Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Whose that girl?

Whose that girl that would raise an eyebrow at Sixty's antic's?

No it is not Allie. This post is all Greek to her.

Hey whose that girl?


Anonymous said...

Hell no it's not me, I would take care of those hairy beasts on her face above he eyes, yikes.

chickelit said...

above he eyes, yikes.

His and hirsute?

The Dude said...

I watched her last night. She's hairy, but she is a bad actress. I was watching the movie saying to myself "Damn, I have never seen such a weak portrayal of grief in my life." Seriously, they paid her for that? It was appalling. Up hauling!

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't mean to say she isn't pretty though, but girlfriend you need some serious threading of those brows.

Trooper York said...

But she is beautiful, beautiful woman.

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed she is beautiful.

BJM said...


Man, this is getting a little weird...I watched Z again over the weekend...or is it just GMTA?

Yeah, that's it.

I thought Maria Doyle Kennedy's Queen Katherine tipped a hat or two to the mystery girl's earlier portrayal in "Anne of a Thousand Days".

btw-Casting Kennedy as the first Mrs. Bates was brillant.

Eleanor Bron was another raven haired, heavy browed beauty.

Chip S. said...


Possibly irenic.

I think she once led a mother's march on Athens. The Mamas and the Papas, IIRC.

blake said...

Those eyebrows look like mine. My dad and sister's, too.