Tuesday, February 21, 2012

You have to find a way to deal!

On the ride to Manhattan to get the mannequins I had to find a way to deal with what was going on. The kid who was driving didn't know where he was going and he took three times as long as it should have taken. I didn't get upset. I didn't correct him. I sat in the back of the minivan and did something productive.

I said the rosary.

It helped me a lot. It calmed me down. It lowered my blood pressure. It gave me something to do to stop me dwelling on stuff I can't change.

I am going to do it every day during Lent.

It really helps me.

Just sayn'


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

What are you giving up for Lent? I am considering showering.

Trooper York said...

That might not work for the rest of the cows. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

I am giving up my rage. I can't act on it the way I want to. I can't indulge myself and be selfish and ruin it for Lisa. So I have to swallow it.

I just hope the vien bulges and the pulsating I am getting in my left eye is not a big deal.

Trooper York said...

Cause I am giving up my rage.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Giving up rage is good. Rage is mostly indulgent anyway. The Gospel today is Matthew 6: 1-18.

I am going to make a modified St. Joseph pasta sauce tonight (simple marinara with golden raisins, basil, and fennel but no fish). Good way to start off Lent.

Anonymous said...

Lisa is a lucky woman. You're a good man Trooper. Do you have an older brother?

ricpic said...

Is part of Lent like an enforced diet? I could use one of those right now.

Michael Haz said...

Good for you, Troop!

I do the same thing, although usually in the wee hours when insomnia kicks in.

I found a (believe it or not) rosary app for my iPhone. It's beautiful! And it has appropriate religious background music as well.

blake said...

Troop's meditating!