Thursday, February 23, 2012

Whose that author?

I've had a long time to make enemies, doctor. So many governments, business interests, even religious leaders that would like to see me depart this Earth. I'll grant them their wish soon enough. But before I do, I wish to make a small contribution. A final gesture of good will to the people of this little planet who have given—from whom I have taken—so much.


ricpic said...

Making a contribution is NOT what drives the people who make a contribution. What drives them then? They don't know. No one knows. They're just driven. And so you get a Thomas Edison or Henry Ford or Steve Jobs. Maybe when they've arrived they give back, like the Gates Foundation or the Bill Gates Foundation or whatever it's called. But the giving back is almost always a waste or destructive because all Bill Gates knows is that now that he's made it he has to be nice and give to nice people or nice causes which are always a sinkhole. But when he was young and driven and didn't give a damn about niceness or caring or making a contribution but just knew he was in the fight of his life, then, then he made an empire. Capiche?

MamaM said...

Two quotes to consider, the second with no google look up so it appears to be straight from the source.

After IM'ing ricpics's comment to sonM, I received back, "I like it", which is as good as it gets. Contribution. Contact. Connection.

They should have sent a poet.

Titus said...

He is hilarious on Stern.

I love Howard Stern.