Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Bombing will start in five minutes......

Defense Secretary Swenson: General Stark, are there any papers or documents in New York which are absolutely essential to the running of the United States? General Stark?
Gen. Stark: No sir. There are important documents, but none of them absolutely essential.
Admiral Wilcox: Will there be any warning given? A lot of lives could be saved if people had a few minutes.
Defense Secretary Swenson: On this short notice, an alert to a big city would do more harm than good. It only produces panic.
Admiral Wilcox: What about this?
[Wilcox tosses a newspaper onto the table, showing the First Lady in NYC, prominently featured on the main page. Swenson sees it, then gives the paper to General Stark]
Gen. Stark:Maybe... maybe he doesn't know his wife is there.
Defense Secretary Swenson: [shaking his head] He knows.
[Groeteschele finishes writing something onto some paper]
Admiral Wilcox: Why did the begin this escalation. None of this need to have happened if they had stopped the endless provocations and rethtoric that has caused this disaster.
Defense Secretary Swenson: We have been monitoring their radio transmissions and they are continuing their provocations. It appears they are using cut outs and proxies. But we know who is behind it. It won't work.
Prof. Groeteschele: Gentlemen, we are wasting time.
Prof. Groeteschele: [walking to the podium] I've been making a few rough calculations based on the effect of two twenty megaton bombs dropped on New York City in the middle of a normal workday. I estimate the immediate dead at about three million. I include in that figure those buried beneath the collapsed buildings. It would make no difference, Admiral Wilcox, whether they reached a shelter or not. They would die just the same. Add another million or two who will die within about five weeks. Now our immediate problem will be the joint one of fire control and excavation. Excavation not of the dead, the effort would be wasted there. But even though there are no irreplaceable government documents in the city, many of our largest corporations keep their records there. It will be necessary to... rescue as many of those records as we can. Our economy depends on this.
Prof. Groeteschele: [walking disgustedly back to his seat before noisily opening and closing his briefcase] Our economy depends on this.
[after closing briefcase]
Prof. Groeteschele: And the Lord said, gentlemen, "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone."


chickelit said...

Whose an Evil Clown?

Trooper York said...

We don't talk about him or his wife or the sockpuppets he uses.

Don't get dragged in.

I am trying to ignore the emails I get with provocations that are meant to stir us up.

It ain't easy because my natural tendancy is to drop the big one.

chickelit said...

Oh, emails. Figures. You should publish them!

chickelit said...

Evil Ways

I should look for and read a Carlos Santana biography. I read once somewhere that the whole "Latin beat" thing was a schtick--an accidental discovery that the chicks moved their hips in more interesting ways dancing when they played that way.

I'd like to verify that factoid.

TTBurnett said...

BTW, you have a thread not too far below this that seems to have 300-odd comments. But I can see only 200. I tried three different browsers on both Windows and Mac. I thought there might be something wrong with hipster doofus Safari on hipster doofus Mac, but here's no working "newest post" option even on plain-Jane IE on Vista.

What gives? Why would people put up over a hundred comments when they can't see others?

Is this the really, really private part of the blog??

chickelit said...

TT: You need the top secret, after hours blogger PW:

Click on the title to the post then scroll down to the bottom and click on the newer comments thingie.

chickelit said...

I have found that when I'm in the over 200 club, and I go to make a comment, the comment window switches back to the first 200. This is annoying if you want to cut and paste from the newer comments.

Haven't found a work around to that.

The Dude said...

Two windows open simultaneously. How hip, happening and 1990s is that, CL?

Trooper York said...

I don't know what happened Tim. It is one of the mysterious changes that Blogger throw at you now and then. I didn't do anything for it to happen but it just did.

chickelit said...

We're on different pages for sure, Sixty.

TTBurnett said...

Ah, thank you Chickelit. Like a chom it voiks.

As I recall, you didn't have to click on the title in the past. Or maybe you did, and then Blogger changed it. And now they changed it back. Or something.

You realize, of course, that such a thread would cause that puppy in the other post to foam at the mouth and chase its tail, yapping until it fell over in a quivering heap of frustration?

I'm glad those comments are really hidden, because I will not tolerate animal abuse.

I bet there's flirting in there, too.

blake said...

I think I'm losing it.

I'm sitting here trying to remember the name of that movie.

Sidney Lumet, right? Henry Fonda? Their follow-up to "12 Angry Men". For some reason I can only think "Safe House".


"Fail Safe!"

*shakes head*

Definitely losing it.

BJM said...

I'm with the Chickster, publish or ignore them...just don't let it fester.

I just re-watched "The Politicians Wife" on Netflix...revenge served I'm in an evil kinda mood.