Friday, February 3, 2012

Something evil this way comes.......

You know it has been so refreshing to not go to a bad place and get such a bad vibe. I have been so busy lately that I really haven't had a lot of time to blog. We are running the store while filming the show so after the whole crew leaves we still have stuff to do. Sending out UPS packages. Checking orders. Putting the store in some semblance of order. And a couple of our regulars even showed up to shop. So we are exhausted.

It is a good exhausted. We are accomplishing a lot and doing great stuff. And we are dropping so much that was negative and nasty in our lives.

But I know that evil is still out there plotting and scheming and stirring up trouble. I have been enjoying it's absence in my life. Just sayn'


Anonymous said...

Being productive chases away the demons! Sounds like all the creatures in the realm are happy.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Satan is a chained dog. You don't go into his yard, you don't get bit.

blake said...

Idle hands got nothin' on idle minds.

ricpic said...

What's the worst that could happen, your ratings will be merely great instead of colossal?

Michael Haz said...

It seems like every week Ruth Anne says something that I'll use and re-use again.

Smart woman!

chickelit said...

Satan is a chained dog. You don't go into his yard, you don't get bit.

Kids are vulnerable. I remember being on vacation once and the car breaking down on the way to Florida. We had to while away the time at the garage and after a while my older brother and I snuck away from my mother's eye. We just had to pet that nice doggy chained up in the back. My brother got bit and the question came up regarding rabies, etc. The owner was pretty cool though and either had had the dog vaccinated or something so no shots. I recall this came on heels of another adventure at an uncle's where a cousin was bitten by a rat in a barn and did go through a painful series of rabies treatment.

TTBurnett said...

Agreed, Michael.

Wise words from Ruth Anne.